The CAIA Association is a global professional body dedicated to creating greater alignment, transparency, and education for all investors, with a specific emphasis on alternative investments. We advocate for the highest ethical standards and provide unbiased insight on a broad range of investment strategies and industry issues, key among them is diversification to portfolio construction decisions to achieve better long-term investor outcomes.

To learn more about the CAIA Association and how to become part of the organization’s mission, please visit

Who are CAIA’s Members?
CAIA Association represents financial professionals in more than 100 countries, our Members represent senior leadership in the allocator, manager, regulator, and academic verticals. The financial professionals are critical to green finance due to their role in the economy. Asset owners act as accelerators of green finance as they advocate for market integrity, long-termism, investor outcomes, diversity, and educational standards, as necessary ingredients to building a sustainable and healthy profession.
How does green finance affect them?
Finance is the engine of the rapid development of green finance, as the financial sector plays a key role through its intermediary functions and risk management in advancing sustainable economic development, while directing investment decisions towards green finance and sustainable investments. Investment professionals can and will perform a critical role in the transition to a more sustainable world. Funding and investment mechanisms of green finance need to consider green value in its financial activities and to understand the impact of climate change across all aspects of people’s lives.

Big asset owners have been pioneers in the realm of sustainable investing, or ESG, and most of their focus has been on climate change. Moving forward, these large asset owners will have to wade through the digital economy, where data privacy policies, influence on politics, and ethical conduct are far more nascent. Alternative investments professionals must take into consideration green and sustainable finance principles and best practices. Accurate reporting and due diligence are at the core of the investments decisions that take into account the climate change issues and that align the alternative financial professionals to the investor’s interests and the world we live in.

What is CAIA Association doing to support its Members?
CAIA Association commits to engage its Members on ESG with a focus on climate change. A wide range of materials are available to our members on green and sustainable finance and ESG, and we host regular events and seminars on these topics for our Members and our followers. We develop resources for them and share insights and best practices through our blog and we encourage adoption of international standards. We are engaging with stakeholders including think tanks, regulators, asset owners, and researchers to keep our CAIA curriculum up to date on environmental issues and we collaborate with the Green Finance Institute to engage investors to build green finance into their investment decisions and professional development.

Green Finance Education Resources Available

CAIA Level II book – Alternative Investments – An Allocator’s Approach
Study Guide
Fundamentals of Alternative Investments Certificate Program I Certificate – ESG

Find out more about our support for the Green Finance Education Charter:

William J. Kelly, CEO at CAIA Association said:
Climate change isn’t a left or right political issue, it’s a human survival issue.