With nearly 150 years of experience in educating bankers and with a network of 30,000 professional bankers around the globe, the Chartered Banker Institute is proud to be regarded as the leading global voice for responsible and sustainable professionalism in banking.
Who are the Institute’s Members?
We have members and students in over 100 countries and nearly 1,000 financial institutions worldwide. The Institute and our members contribute to a sustainable banking industry based on strong and universal principles of stewardship, prudence, and professionalism; and adhere to our Chartered Banker Code of Professional Conduct.
How does green finance affect them?

The UN Special Envoy for Climate Finance, Mark Carney, calls for every professional financial decision to take climate change into account. This requires all banks and bankers to enhance efforts to improve reporting and risk management of climate risk; and seek returns from supporting the transition to a sustainable, low carbon world.

Ensuring every financial decision takes climate change into account requires institutions and individuals to align their activities and operations with this goal.  Bankers must take personal and professional responsibility for taking climate change and broader sustainability factors into account in every decision, and when advising colleagues, clients and customers. This means all bankers, must develop and demonstrate at least a basic knowledge of green and sustainable finance principles and practice.

What is the Institute doing to support its members?

Our Institute continues to lead development of green and sustainable finance education and training for bankers worldwide. In 2018, we launched the Green Finance Certificate, the world’s first benchmark qualification for green finance, now available through a network of partners in 35 countries. In 2019, we relaunched our foundation banking certificate, the Professional Banker Certificate, incorporating the UN Principles for Responsible Banking. A wide range of CPD materials are available to our members on green and sustainable finance and responsible banking, and we host regular events on these topics for our members and others.

Green Finance Education Resources Available

Certificate in Green & Sustainable Finance

Certificate in Climate Risk

Centre for Responsible Banking

Green & Sustainable Finance Resources

Sustainable Finance Essay Series 2019

Green Finance Essay Series 2020

Diploma in Green & Sustainable Finance

Green and Sustainable Finance: Principles and Practice (Book)

Find out more about our support for the Green Finance Education Charter:

Launching the Charter in June 2020, Simon Thompson, Chief Executive of the Chartered Banker Institute, said:

To mainstream green and sustainable finance, we must also mainstream green finance knowledge and skills throughout the banking, finance and professional services sectors. Our world-leading professional bodies have key roles to play in developing and embedding the standards, norms, values and practices to form the future shape of finance and developing the capability and capacity of these sectors in the UK, and globally.