The UK Nature Finance Project Directory provides a list of projects, enterprises and initiatives that aim to attract private finance to deliver nature restoration and Nature based Solutions (NbS). Supported by development programmes such as the NEIRF and the FIRNS, these projects aim to create innovative financial approaches to delivering ecosystem services, such as:

  • Carbon – via voluntary carbon codes. This includes the three codes that are currently operational in the UK and further codes in development to target different habitats.
  • Biodiversity – via the upcoming Biodiversity Net Gain compliance market that will be enforced in England from November 2023, and emerging voluntary biodiversity credits.
  • Water Quality – such as through the Nutrient Neutrality compliance market and voluntary nitrogen and phosphorus reduction schemes
  • Natural Flood Management – through place-based and voluntary schemes across catchment areas.

If you would like your project included on the Directory, please contact

For more information on the UK’s pipeline of nature finance projects, Ecosystem Knowledge Network has published an in-depth Nature Finance Review 2023 that is publicly available.


Project Directory

Note: this is not a comprehensive list of all projects in the UK that leverage private finance but instead serves as a useful overview of where financial innovation is being tested. Other projects otherwise not listed include the majority of the c.2000 projects registered under the Woodland Carbon Code and the c.200 projects registered under the UK Peatland Code. You can view these on the UK Land Carbon Registry.